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LSX Component ID Guide

Identify your Crank Sensor Color, It is located behind the starter on your engine block.

If your Sensor is Black you have a 24X Gen III Engine

If your Sensor is Gray you have a 58X Gen IV Engine

Identify your Cam Sensor Type 

  • Gen III Cam Sensors are located at the rear of the engine in the valley
  • Gen IV and LS2 Cam Sensors are located at the front of the engine in the timing cover
  • Gen IV Cam Sensor connectors can be 
    • 3 Wire Non-VVT with Only a 3 Wire Cam Connector (The PSI harness plugs directly into the Cam Sensor Connector)
    • 5 Wire VVT with both a 3 Wire Cam Connector and a 2 Wire Cam Actuator Connector

Identify your Throttle Body Type 

  • Drive by Cable - DBC is a mechanically actuated throttle body
  • Drive by Wire - DBW is an electronically actuated throttle body

Gen III Throttle Bodies have 3 Bolts securing them and can be DBC or DBW

Gen IV Throttle Bodies have 4 bolts securing them and are all DBW

Identify Your Fuel Injector Type using the Images below

  • EV1 are typically found on Gen III Car Engines
  • Multec are typically found on Gen III Vortec Engines
  • EV6 are typically found on Gen IV Engines and Gen III Flex Fuel Engines

Verify which coil pack sub harness you need with the below chart.

HAR-1050 - LS1 D580 standard coil pack sub-harness

HAR-1051 - LS1 D580 'short' coil pack sub-harness

HAR-1052 - 2005+ standard coil pack harness (D510C, D581, D514A, D585)

HAR-1053 - 2005+ 'short' coil pack harness (D510C, D581, D514A, D585)

Verify which Alternator Connector you have

  • 4 Pin will have 4 cavities for wires, with either 1, 2 or 3 wires used
  • 2 Pin will have 2 cavities for wires, with 2 wires used
  • 4 Pin Alternators are usually found in Gen III Engines and Corvette Gen IV
  • 2 Pin Alternators are usually found in GEN IV Engines

    Verify the MAP Sensor You are using as Delphi or Bosch

    • Delphi MAP Sensor is held in with a Clip
    • Bosch MAP Sensor is bolted in
    • Delphi MAP Sensor Usually found in Gen III Engines, and LS2, LS7 and 2007-2008 Vortec
    • Bosch MAP Sensor Usually found in Gen IV Engines such as LS3 and 2009 and newer Vortec

    Verify the MAF Sensor You are using, the 5 Wire MAF Sensors may plug into your harness but are wired differently and may cause damage if not properly matched

    • 3 Wire MAF & 2 Wire IAT are found on Gen III LS1 Only
    • 5 Wire LS2 Vortec Style is found on Gen III Vortec and LS2 , This is the most common Gen III MAF
    • 5 Wire 07-08 Vortec is a great choice because it contains its own tube
    • 5 Wire LS3 is a cartridge style maf designed to be used in a 4 inch tube, it is the most common Gen IV MAF
    • 5 Wire 09 and newer Vortec is found in Vortec Trucks and can be used in the stock intake tubing is used.